Understanding Protontherapy
Dealing with Chemotherapy
Facilitating communication between doctors, parents and kids (ages 4-12) dealing with cancer treatments. Design to guide and properly explain fundamentals, processes, secondary effects, procedures and overall pediatric cancer treatments.
Total adoption
Positive emotional conection
Sterilizable materials
CAD + 3D printing
Illustration + Storytelling
Emotional inteligence
Adobe suite (Ai, Ch, Ae)
Main Takeaways
1. Design for healthcare is vital.
2. Kids are wiser than we think.
3. Play can heal, even adults.
4. Importance of visual and verbal communication through motion graphics.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Understanding Protontherapy
Dealing with Chemotherapy
Facilitating communication between doctors, parents and kids (ages 4-12) dealing with cancer treatments. Design to guide and properly explain fundamentals, processes, secondary effects, procedures and overall pediatric cancer treatments.
Total adoption
Positive emotional conection
Sterilizable materials
CAD + 3D printing
Illustration + Storytelling
Emotional inteligence
Adobe suite (Ai, Ch, Ae)
Research methods
Main Takeaways
1. Design for healthcare is vital.
2. Kids are wiser than we think.
3. Play can heal, even adults.
4. Importance of visual and verbal communication through motion graphics.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The patient receives a kit that includes
Protontherapy and
chemotherapy expert
The Stories
Two books
Three short videos
The Character
3D printed toy +Ipad Holder
How does it work?
and diagnosis
Doctors provide
treatment options
Patient family receives the first book "guide" to familiarize with the character, anticipate what the first few symtpoms are and get prepared.
Patient is welcomed to the mission through the first animation
Chemo treatment starts
Second book given to the patient to model coping mechanisms
Clinic provides IPad and toy/ipad holder for the patient. A second animation explaining machinery and procedures is shown
During Chemotherapy & rest sesions the patient can personalize his toy
Proto toy detatches to make the patient company during radiation sessions
If the patient gets to remission a third and final animation is shown
The patient rings the bell of the brave
'A Great Mission’ is the second guide for the pediatric cancer patient. This story describes the journey from the diagnosis stage, its difficulties and provides strategies to cope with emotional ups and downs. It also describes the treatment processes, common fears that may arise, side effects and concepts that parents might have difficulty explaining.
Character Design
Portraying real-life traits
The Stories
First Book: "El comienzo de todo" (The Start of Everything)
Second Book: "Una gran Misión" (A Great Mission)
'The Start of everything' is the first guide in the kit. This tale seems to be a children's book like any another, however, it narrates the life of a character that experiences the first symptoms and apperance of a hard disease. The protagonist of the story translates actual symptoms and situations the patient will go through. Proto is an empathic model that generates closeness, trust and motivation.
Each character was designed to embody the actual personality of real life doctors working in the oncology unit of the clinic.
The program was intended to familiarize the patients with all the professionals they were going to encounter, to make their adaptation easier since the very start.
The Character
3D Printed Proto
The protagonist of the story is 3D printed and its purpose is multifunctional. It can be used as a support to "hold" the child's tablet as well as being used as a traditional toy that reminds the patient that he is not alone. Proto is there to hold him any time he needs it. For hygiene and health in the clinic, the toy is made from plastic to be easy to clean and safe for patients. The 3D figure is printed in white for every kid to personalize it accordingly.
Explore the 3D model
Design process
3D modeling
Designing the Kit
Arranging the pieces
Proto Toy
3D astronaut prototype
3D modeling
CAD process
Design Style Guide
New visual guidelines +
company's graphic identity
Proto's Mission is a project developed for patients undergoing treatments in University of Navarra Clinic this means the design had to have its own visual design, always beeing true to the previous graphic design and identity of the Clinic.